Ofsted Inspections

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This page relates to the Ofsted inspection carried out in March 2022.

Following on from our latest Ofsted inspection in March 2022, we are very pleased that Ofsted have seen and acknowledged the rapid and sustained improvements that Allestree Woodlands has made since the previous inspection; these improvements have been made despite the added challenge of the pandemic.

We are proud to note that judgements in three areas have moved from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’ and the content of the report shows that we have made substantial improvements in all five areas.

The areas are judged to be ‘Good’ are Leadership, Sixth Form and Personal Development.

We are pleased that Ofsted noted ‘leaders have high expectations of what pupils should achieve’ and ‘the curriculum reflects leaders’ ambition for all pupils’. They were clear that ‘leaders are bringing about the necessary improvements to the school.’  We were delighted that Ofsted saw that ‘this is an inclusive school’ where ‘pupils with SEND are supported well’ and our deaf pupils ‘are included in all parts of school life.’

We are very proud that Ofsted recognised that ‘behaviour has improved considerably’ and ‘lessons are calm and orderly’ with the new behaviour policy leading to improvements so that ‘pupils are given the opportunity to reflect on their behaviour and are supported to make the right decisions’.

They found that ‘teachers have strong subject knowledge’; our sixth form students have the chance to study a range of courses to achieve their aspirations and ‘students enjoy positive relationships with their teachers.’  Ofsted commented that ‘the PSHE curriculum is well planned and sequenced’ and ‘pupils enjoy enriching experiences and benefit from a range of clubs and activities’ as well as ‘high quality careers advice’, tailored to their interests.

We were pleased that they recognised the good work in safeguarding and commented positively on leaders being ‘highly knowledgeable’ and staff ‘understand their responsibility to keep pupils safe.’

As always, Ofsted’s report highlights some areas of continued development; our improvements to date mean that we are well positioned to continue this work for the good of our students and our school community. We continue to work hard and appreciate the support and engagement of families.

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